Welcome to Vino Country!


The Goal of Vino707 is to utilize the internet to obtain local information, and organize it in an easy to navigate web portal. We have chosen to create the web portal in the hybrid language of “Spanglish” because it can be understood by both English and Spanish speakers alike. Spanglish is a Spanish-English Hybrid with a few rules and many variations, but at its most vivid and exuberant. Phrases and sentences veer back and forth almost unconsciously, as the speaker’s intuition grabs the best expressions from either language to sum up a thought. Spanglish is not meant to diminish either language, it is an Integration of several cultures. One would think only two cultures; Mexican and American. But indeed just as English is spoken by many cultures, so is Spanish. Spanglish would not only fit right at home in North America, and South America but also in Europe were both languages are spoken. This publication has been created to give Vino Country a central location to showcase our piece of Heaven, the Northern California Wine Country.


El Jefe & Associates